What are Key Stages?
We often refer to KS1, KS2 or Key Stage. This is the reference used within the national curriculum in England and Wales for the different year groups that make up five key stages. Those relevant to Primary Years are:
Key Stage 1 – ages 4-7 (Years Reception, 1-2)
Key Stage 2 – ages 7-11 (Years 3-6)
Who can join the PTFA/ How do I join?
Any parent or staff member are automatically joined when becoming a parent or staff member of the school and you can turn up to any meeting, join the key Whatsapp groups for a more active role or simply support us through our events and fundraising channels.
What does PTFA stand for?
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. This includes the term Friends which can include members that are not directly a current parent or staff member. This usually means that someone who used to be involved (e.g. a parent or governor etc) may want to stay on to help even if their child has gone on to Secondary School for example. Even grandparents can come under the 'Friend' umbrella. It gives us wider inclusivity and access to support.

Let's Work Together
If you have a query that is not here, please do not hesitate to contact us.